We lost 54k GitHub stars
You’re about to kill 55,000 people
The dialog should be more contextual and, paraphrasing again, it should say “You’re about to kill 55,000 people.” That would’ve certainly made me pause.
GitHub didn’t allow me to do that—for an entire half an hour
So I went back to the repo’s settings to flip the switch. But GitHub didn’t allow me to do that—for an entire half an hour.
mysql > UPDATE repo_stargazers SET visibility-"private" WHERE
Query OK, 1 row affected (0.012 sec)
mysql > DELETE FROM repo_stargazers WHERE repo="httpie/httpie"; Query OK, 54386 rows affected (28 min)
mysql > DELETE FROM repo_watchers WHERE repo-"httpie/httpie";
Query OK, 1154 rows affected (4 sec)
Why doesn’t GitHub restore it?
GitHub obviously has backups. And it is indeed possible to undo the damage done by accidentally making a repo private. The GitHub team themselves accidentally made the GitHub Desktop app repo private once. And they restored everything for themselves within hours
GitHub will restore a repo damaged by making it private
So the answer to the question is, unfortunately, the following: GitHub will restore a repo damaged by making it private. But only if it’s one of their own projects, not a community one. The latter gets a tweet, at best.
A developer mistakenly made the GitHub Desktop repo private this morning. Flipping it back doesn’t restore stars (and a few other things), so we are restoring from DB backup. That's all.
a few lessons learned
mysqI > UPDATE repo_stargazers SET visibility "private" WHERE
repo="httpie/httpie"; Query OK, 1 row affected (0.012 sec) mysq1 > UPDATE repo_stargazers SET _deleted-true WHERE repo-"httpie/
httpie"; Query OK, 54386 rows affected (0.85 sec) mysqi > UPDATE repo_watchers SET _deleted-true WHERE repo-"httpie/
Query OK, 1154 rows affected (0.09 sec)